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探索人类思想和行为的复杂性. 了解为什么人们会这样思考、感觉和行为. 你的职业兴趣是否在应用心理学(咨询), 工业/组织, legal, 神经心理学, forensic, 运动或学校心理学), 或者在医疗行业, 科研或教学, 心理学是一个多才多艺的专业,它将帮助你理解生物学, 行为的心理和社会原因.

鲍德温华莱士的心理学专业将严格的课程与广泛的研究和社区参与机会相结合. 你将探索人类发展的广阔领域, 实验心理学, 应用心理学与人际关系. 通过选修课程,你可以个性化你的专业,使之符合你的职业兴趣.

  • 学生在心理学实验室的照片

    Dr. Patrick Ledwidge, director of BW's Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab, shows the proper technique of placing an EEG net. BW's emphasis on hands-on learning enables psychology students to gain valuable research skills.

  • 学生在心理学实验室的照片

    Students use 最先进的 laboratory facilities for thesis work and collaborative research with faculty.

  • 一位心理学学生在专业会议上展示研究成果的照片

    Psychology students, such as Adam Ramsey '18, have presented their research at professional conferences. Ramsey now attends a doctoral program at Vanderbilt University, a top-20 national program.


根据美国.S. 美国劳工部劳工统计局, 预计心理学家的就业将会增加 到2028年,增长率约为14%. 这被认为比平均增长快得多.


心理学:在心理学研究中获得的技能, 比如分析数据, 沟通复杂的信息和理解人类行为, 受到雇主的高度重视. 你将学会如何深思熟虑地、有目的地、清晰地沟通. 这些广泛的技能将使你在广泛的职业领域就业.


  • Healthcare
  • 执法
  • Social work
  • 人力资源
  • Marketing/sales
  • 实验室研究
  • 公共关系
  • Law school
  • Advertising


心理学分为主修和辅修两门. 本课程为您的学习提供理论和实证框架. 你将从学习心理学的基础知识到获得能够分析数据的知识和技能, 沟通复杂信息, 理解行为和心理过程.


四门课程,包括一个学期的统计学课程, 统计分析软件, 研究方法和论文提供了一个获得高级研究技能的绝佳机会. 作为你学习的一部分, 你将进行包括数据收集和分析在内的原创性研究, 科学写作和口头报告.

View a full list of courses and course descriptions for the psychology major >



  • 培养职业道德和社会责任行为.
  • 为毕业后的人生获得一个有意义的专业方向.
  • 了解心理学, 理论上和经验上都有, 因为它与人类动机有关, cognition, psychotherapy, 神经生理学和行为学.
  • 解释,设计和进行心理学研究.
  • 用科学推理来解释心理现象.



本专业为心理学或商学专业的学生开设的第二专业 工业和组织心理学专业 为学生进入研究生院和/或在人力资源管理领域就业做好准备.

Social Work

BW的附属 社会工作计划 使学生在短短五年内获得BW的学士学位和凯斯西储大学的社会工作硕士学位.

Course Catalog


课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 大学目录.


小班授课、个人关注和教师指导是心理学课程的核心. 你将从拥有博士学位的教授那里学习,他们在他们的学科领域有几十年的教学经验.



会员参加分会赞助的研究及服务计划. 他们还参加会议,展示他们的研究成果,培养专业发展技能.

Psychology Club

提供教育, 专业和社会机会, 心理学俱乐部帮助学生学习一系列以心理学为基础的主题,并协调包括嘉宾演讲在内的活动, 实地考察和服务.


The BW夹克慈善计划 是基于课程的, 服务学习计划,让学生参与志愿服务和拨款过程. 课程对所有专业的学生开放,从一年级学生到大四学生. 开设了商业、英语、心理学、公共卫生和社会学等课程.


你将在课堂上学习,然后把这些知识应用到实验室中. 您将获得与硕士课程相当的高级技能和实践学习经验.

通过师生合作和学生论文的研究质量是突出的. 许多BW学生在专业会议上展示了他们的研究,比如美国心理协会, 心理科学协会和神经科学协会. 还有一些学生的研究成果发表在学术期刊上.

在BW,你可以在第一年就参加由教师主导的研究. 心理学系有用于人类和非人类研究的设施,包括:


使用大脑记录方法(EEG) 认知神经心理学实验室 研究神经心理障碍患者的认知功能和心理处理的差异. 研究小组目前正在研究脑震荡对情绪处理的影响, impulsivity, speech, 以及儿童的语言, adolescents, and adults. 学院研究员: Dr. 帕特里克·路德维奇


这个实验室利用动物模型来更好地理解正常和紊乱的人类行为. 最近的研究集中在焦虑、厌食症、自闭症和药物成瘾上. 学院研究员: Dr. Brian Thomas


The social, 发展和咨询心理学实验室允许计算机研究, 在装有单向镜的研究室内对人类参与者进行录像和观察. 教师主导的欧博allbet包括社会排斥、自我概念和儿童研究. 教师研究人员: Dr. 斯蒂芬妮·罗斯曼, Dr. Deb Esty and Dr. Jennifer Perry


BW与几个组织合作,为心理学专业的学生提供实习机会, 临床现场经验和校外研究. 国家和地区的学生安置地点包括研究实验室, hospitals, 咨询和治疗设施, 非营利组织和社区机构, 人事办公室和教育中心.



哈林顿客座教授系列提供年度报告由国内和国际专家. 过去的演讲者包括博士. Philip Zimbardo, Albert Bandura, 伊丽莎白Loftus, Walter Mischel, Anthony Marsella (BW校友), 罗伯特·斯特恩伯格, David Buss, Daniel Schacter, Robert Sapolsky, 卡罗尔·塔夫里斯和罗伊·鲍迈斯特, among others. 最近的主题包括:

  • 盲点:好人的隐性偏见
  • 成瘾:动机、自由意志或自我毁灭行为的问题?
  • 向上说话,向下说话:积极说话的力量
  • 思维和大脑如何实现自我控制

哈林顿讨论会系列每月由区域专家发表演讲. 过去的演讲者包括. Sandra Russ (CWRU),博士. 埃里克·盖耶(克利夫兰诊所儿童医院),博士. John Gunstad (KSU)和Dr. 弗雷德里克·弗雷斯(NEOUCOM). 最近的主题包括:

  • 法医心理学的神话与真相
  • 《复苏:神话、山脉和奇迹
  • 圣诞饼干和阿尔茨海默病:肥胖如何伤害大脑
  • ADHD在整个生命周期
  • 儿童和成人的创造力


Psychology prepares students for diverse career opportunities. Many students go directly into employment opportunities in a variety of career fields and others seek graduate school entry for careers needing additional education.

First Destination Employment

Recent BW psychology graduates are employed in human resource management, pediatric psychology, sales, marketing, social service, organizational development, special education, teaching, management, drug rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation. Recent graduates are employed at the Cleveland Clinic, Equality Ohio, Goodyear headquarters, Medina County Job & Family Services, and other regional and national organizations.

Graduate School

BW psychology students have been accepted to prestigious graduate schools across the nation to pursue master's, doctoral and medical degrees. Recent graduates have been accepted to Rutgers University, Boston College, Michigan State University, Southern Illinois University, University of Denver and Case Western Reserve University, among others.

Alumni Spotlights

Ashley SmithAshley Johnson '15 is a graduate student in Kent State University's College of Public Health in Ohio. The Ohio Public Health Association named her a public health champion in 2016. At BW, classes in psychology, communication, health education and promotion prepared her for a career in public health. She is from Berea, Ohio.

Emily HusikEmily Husik '14 is community mental health worker at OhioGuidestone in Berea, Ohio. While at BW, Emily was a K9 Partners intern at OhioGuidestone. This connection led to her being hired by the organization upon graduation. The Middleburg Heights, Ohio, native holds an MAEd with literacy specialization from BW.

Heather LowHeather Low '14 is qualified mental health specialist, community psychiatric supportive treatment, at OhioGuidestone in Cleveland. A liberal arts education provided her with diverse experiences that contributed to her personal growth and prepared her for a career in the mental health field. She is from Amherst, Ohio.

Whitney YoderWhitney Yoder '14 is pursuing a master's in methodology and statistics for the biomedical, behavioral and social sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Internships helped her identify her career interests, and an undergraduate research thesis set her apart from other graduate school applicants. She is from Medina, Ohio.

Laura DunsonLaura Dunson, '13 is outpatient therapist and licensed professional counselor at OhioGuidestone. Her focus areas include gender issues, trauma and creative therapies. From Cleveland, she holds a master's from Duquesne University. BW faculty inspired her to pursue social justice causes and prepared her for graduate education.

Sarah HummelSarah Hummel '13 is DVM candidate at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. As an undergraduate, the Ithaca, N.Y., native worked in BW's neuroscience and animal learning labs and conducted two major thesis projects that were instrumental to her growth as a researcher and problem solver.

Joe LuchsingerJoe Luchsinger '13 is MD-PhD candidate at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn. At BW, small class sizes, faculty mentors and extensive experiential learning opportunities enabled the Bexley, Ohio, native to engage deeply in multiple areas of interest while preparing for medical school.

Alison SmithAlison Smith '12 is impact evaluation program assistant at Social Impact in Arlington, Va. From Jamestown, N.Y., she holds a Master of Public Health with a concentration in global health from Boston University. At BW, thesis projects and a focus on research and data analysis prepared her for the rigor and independence of graduate school.

Katelynn CarverKatelynn Carver '11 is Ph.D. candidate at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She holds a Master of Theological Studies from Harvard. From Medina, Ohio, she has presented and published her work widely, including in interfaith blogs, international metaphysics symposia and cultural studies publications.

Kelley LikesKelley Likes '11 is annual giving coordinator for OhioGuidestone in Berea. Kelley completed one of many undergraduate internships at OhioGuidestone and was hired to work full-time for the company upon graduation. She holds an B.S. in psychology and an MBA from BW. She is from Huron, Ohio.

凯瑟琳YoussoufKatherine Youssouf '11 is M.P.P. and J.D. candidate at American University in Washington, D.C. Her research interests lie at the intersection of international law, policy and advocacy. The Montvale, N.J., native has conducted research for international non-profits and co-wrote a report on hate crimes research for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Emily ElderEmily Elder '10 is doctoral candidate in the counseling psychology program at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind. An internship helped her identify an interest in trauma prevention and treatment. Undergraduate research experience helped the Monroeville, Ohio gain acceptance into one of her top-choice doctoral programs.

Lorrin RadzikRev. Lorrin Radzik '10 is pastor of the Seven Hills and Independence Methodist Churches in Ohio. She holds a Master of Divinity from Boston University. At BW, she served on a 教员-学生 research team and worked as student research coordinator for the psychology department. She is from Creston, Ohio.

Lisa SlamaLisa Domonkos-Slama '10 is owner and trainer at K9 Coaches providing private consultations and training to canines and their owners. Studying psychology and sociology has enabled the Strongsville, Ohio, native to meet the social and psychological needs of her clients and expand her practice to psychiatric service dogs.

露丝·安妮·洛普Ruth Anne C. Loepp '09 is school psychologist at a charter school in Harlem, N.Y. She has testified as an expert witness in a state administrative hearing and provided programmatic 建议 to a school district in Fla. From Canal Fulton, Ohio, she holds an MAEd and advanced certificate in school psychology.

Rachel PerniciRachel Pernici '09 is manager of forensic case management for Frontline Services in Cleveland. She holds an MSSA from Case Western Reserve University. BW faculty and coursework helped the Amherst, Ohio, native identify an interest in social work. Research experiences prepared her for graduate studies.

Sean RobinsonSean Robinson '08 is industrial/ organizational psychologist at MillerCoors and adjunct professor at Marquette University in Milwaukee. He holds a doctorate from Ohio University in 工业/组织 psychology. BW faculty challenged the Mentor, Ohio, native as a student and researcher, preparing him for doctoral studies.


Brian Thomas


Brian Thomas

Deb Esty


Deb Esty

Lisa Green


Lisa Green

Charles Levin


Charles Levin


Brian Thomas

Ph.D. 西开普大学心理学专业

David Disabato

Deb Esty

Andrea Graves

Lisa Green

Nancy Gussett


Charles Levin

Jennifer Perry
